I’m fascinating and so are you.
One major reason I became a writer: my belief that most people are really interesting. Even me. Here are a few reasons why:
- The town where I grew up is 10 miles from Disneyland, but as an adult I’ve lived in Iowa, Utah, Maryland, Puerto Rico, Texas, and now Virginia.
- In related news, I’m working on a book about hometowns.
- In 9th grade an article I wrote about my P.E. bowling class was published in the Los Angeles Times. Yep, I bowled. For P.E.
- I used to work in Washington, D.C. as a professional academic editor, so I know my Chicago from my AP, if you know what I mean.
- I thinkĀ Parks and Recreation is the best comedy ever made and I think Amy Poehler should come to my house and hang out.
- My husband is super-smart and funny.
- I’m more into Pinterest than I should be.
- I catalog and review every book I read — check out my Goodreads list over there in the sidebar.
- I’ve been to 38 states. New England, I’ve got my eye on you.
- I can tap dance.
- For a story, I helped monitor leatherback turtles in Costa Rica.
- I (still) love the Smiths, but seeing Ben Folds and Dar Williams in concert were life high points.
- I speak Spanish.
- I’m addicted to Evernote and Spotify.
- Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln are my imaginary historical boyfriends.